English 202
Study Questions:  Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
  1. What is a romance?
  2. Who wrote SGGK?  When?  Where?  In what language or dialect?  What other poems did he write?
  3. What is the "alliterative revival"?
  4. What is the "bob and wheel"?
  5. What does the Green Knight carry in his hands?
  6. Describe Gawain's pentangle and its meanings.
  7. When does Gawain set out to find the Green Knight?
  8. Just before Gawain leaves for the Green Knight's chapel, what does the court say about Gawain's earlier handling of the challenge?How long does he wander in his search?  Where does he wander?
  9. What bargain does Bercilak make with Gawain?  With what result?
  10. What animals does Bercilak hunt?  Why do you think the Pearl poet includes the details of the hunt?
  11. What is Gawain's dilemma?  Why doesn't he give in to lady's demands?  What would happen if he did?
  12. What arguments does Gawain use to evade the lady's seduction?
  13. How does he justify accepting the girdle?  When he confesses, does he tell the priest about his lie? Why does it matter?
  14. What happens at Line 2525?
  15. How does the court receive Gawain when he returns?  Why?
  16. Remember the motto at the end of the poem and its meaning. What is the Order of the Garter?