Results from Rweb

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Rweb:> ## 
Rweb:> ############## RClimate Script: Mauna Loa Monthly CO2    ################################### 
Rweb:> ##                                                                                        ##  
Rweb:> ## Download and process Monthly CO2 Data File                                             ## 
Rweb:> ## Developed by D Kelly O'Day to demonstrate use of source() function for climate data    ## 
Rweb:> ##             1/16/10                           ## 
Rweb:> ##                   Revised 12/15/14; removed personal info for posting                  ## 
Rweb:> ## Contributions from Andy Long:                                                          ## 
Rweb:> ##                   Revised 3/2015; Added models (quadratic and exponential)             ## 
Rweb:> ############################################################################################ 
Rweb:> ## 
Rweb:> library(plyr);  
Rweb:> library(reshape);  
Rweb:> ## 
Rweb:> par(las=1);  
Rweb:> par(ps=10) 
Rweb:> ## STEP 1: SETUP 
Rweb:> ##  
Rweb:> url <- "" 
Rweb:> link <-file("/var/www/html/data/Rweb/RClimate/data/co2_mm_mlo.txt") 
Rweb:> ## STEP 2: READ DATA 
Rweb:> CO2_data <- read.table(link,sep="",row.names=NULL,header=F, 
+                        colClasses = rep("numeric", 7), skip=74, 
+                        comment.char = "#", na.strings = -99.99) 
Rweb:> names(CO2_data) <- c("Yr", "Mo", "Mo_Yr", "CO2", "Trnd", "X", "dys") 
Rweb:> ## STEP 3: Determine Month, Year for last reading 
Rweb:> nrows <- nrow(CO2_data)	                          # Find number of data rows 
Rweb:> mo <- CO2_data[nrows,2]                           # Find last month of data 
Rweb:> yr <- CO2_data[nrows,1]                           # Find last year od data 
Rweb:> lco2 <- CO2_data[nrows,4]                         # Find last CO2 reading 
Rweb:> ## STEP 4: CREATE PLOT 
Rweb:> ##        Set Chart Parameters 
Rweb:> par(las=1);par(ps = c(15));par(pin = c(6,3)) 
Rweb:> par(oma=c(3.5,1,4,1)); par(mar=c(2,4,0,0)) 
Rweb:> ## Make Basic Plot 
Rweb:> plot_func <- function() { 
+   plot(CO2 ~ Mo_Yr, CO2_data, 
+        ylim = c(300,440), 
+        xlim = c(1958, yr+2), 
+        type="l", xaxs = "i", yaxs="i", 
+        col = "black", cex.main=1.5, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, 
+        xlab = "", 
+        ylab = expression(paste(CO[2] - ppmv))) 
+   ## Add last point & Yr - month note 
+   points(CO2_data[nrows,3], lco2, type = "p",pch=16, col = "red") 
+   points(1959, 395, type = "p",pch=16, col = "red") 
+   abline(h=400, col="grey") 
+   text(1960, 303, paste("Source NOAA: ", url), adj=0, cex = .8) 
+   ## Plot Annotation 
+   mo_names <- c("Jan,", "Feb,", "Mar,", "Apr,", "May,", "June,", "July,", "Aug,", "Sept,",  "Oct,", "Nov,", "Dec,") 
+   thru <-   paste(mo_names[mo],yr, "- ", lco2, " ppmv")   # Note on last data point 
+   text(1960,395, thru, cex=0.8, adj=0) 
+   points(c(1958,1960), c(390,390), type = "l", col = "red") 
+   Title <- expression(paste("C", O[2], " (ppmv)Trends Since 1958, Mauna Loa, Hawaii")) 
+   mtext(Title, 3,2, outer = TRUE) 
+   mtext(paste("Data Updated Through", mo_names[mo], yr), 3,1, outer = TRUE, cex = 0.85) 
+   mtext("Andy Long and D Kelly O'Day", 1,1, adj = 0, cex = 0.8, outer=TRUE) 
+   mtext(format(Sys.time(), "%m/%d/%Y"), 1, 1, adj = 1, cex = 0.8, outer=TRUE) 
+ } 
Rweb:> plot_func() 
Rweb:> ###################################################################### 
Rweb:> ## 
Rweb:> ## Add a quadratic trend model (use the year 2000 as the baseline): 
Rweb:> ## 
Rweb:> ###################################################################### 
Rweb:> date <- CO2_data[,3]-2000 
Rweb:> date2 <- date^2 
Rweb:> avgCO2 <- CO2_data[,4] 
Rweb:> Keeling <- data.frame(avgCO2,date,date2) 
Rweb:> ## 
Rweb:> ## drop out the data that's missing -- won't be useful in modeling, anyway.... 
Rweb:> Keeling <- na.omit(Keeling) 
Rweb:> q_m <- lm(avgCO2 ~ date + date2, data=Keeling) 
Rweb:> summary(q_m) 
lm(formula = avgCO2 ~ date + date2, data = Keeling) 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
-4.9060 -1.8254  0.1105  1.7940  4.7724  
             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)     
(Intercept) 3.695e+02  1.146e-01 3225.38   <2e-16 *** 
date        1.861e+00  6.830e-03  272.51   <2e-16 *** 
date2       1.300e-02  2.837e-04   45.84   <2e-16 *** 
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 
Residual standard error: 2.24 on 744 degrees of freedom 
Multiple R-squared:  0.9943,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.9943  
F-statistic: 6.478e+04 on 2 and 744 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16 
Rweb:> coefs <- coefficients(q_m) 
Rweb:> a <- coefs[3] 
Rweb:> b <- coefs[2] 
Rweb:> c <- coefs[1] 
Rweb:> points(Keeling$date+2000,predict(q_m),type="l",col="red") 
Rweb:> ## describe model: 
Rweb:> thru <- paste(" Quadratic trend model: ",round(a,4),"(t-2000)^2 +",round(b,4),"(t-2000) + ",round(c,4))    
Rweb:> text(1960,390, thru, cex=0.8, adj=0) 
Rweb:> ## find out when the quadratic will hit 450: i.e., find roots of q(x)=450, or ax^2+bx+c-450=0: 
Rweb:> c <- coefs[1] - 450 
Rweb:> root <- (-b+sqrt(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a) + 2000 
Rweb:> thru <- paste(" Predicted year of average 450 PPM: ",round(root), "(lock in 2 degrees C)") 
Rweb:> text(1960,385, thru, cex=0.8, adj=0) 
Rweb:> ##  
Rweb:> ## "For the past 10,000 years, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere stayed 
Rweb:> ## almost constant at about 280 ppm. Then, in about 1750 the picture changed." 
Rweb:> ## Eggleton, R. A. Eggleton, Tony (2013). A Short Introduction to Climate 
Rweb:> ## Change. Cambridge University Press. p. 52: 
Rweb:> ##  
Rweb:> ## 
Rweb:> ## found in  
Rweb:> ## 
Rweb:> ##  
Rweb:> ## find out when the quadratic will hit 560: i.e., find roots of q(x)=560, or ax^2+bx+c-560=0: 
Rweb:> c <- coefs[1] - 560 
Rweb:> root <- (-b+sqrt(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a) + 2000 
Rweb:> thru <- paste(" Predicted year of average 560 PPM: ",round(root), "(doubled CO2)") 
Rweb:> text(1960,380, thru, cex=0.8, adj=0) 
Rweb:> ###################################################################### 
Rweb:> ## 
Rweb:> ## Let's try an exponential trend model: 
Rweb:> ## 
Rweb:> ###################################################################### 
Rweb:> ##  
Rweb:> plot_func() 
Rweb:> ##  
Rweb:> historical <- 280 ##  (modelling exponential departure from the long-term historical trend of roughly 280 ppm) 
Rweb:> ln_avgCO2 <- log(avgCO2 - historical) 
Rweb:> Keeling <- data.frame(ln_avgCO2,avgCO2,date) 
Rweb:> ## 
Rweb:> ## drop out the data that's missing -- won't be useful in modeling, anyway.... 
Rweb:> Keeling <- na.omit(Keeling) 
Rweb:> q_m <- lm(ln_avgCO2 ~ date, data=Keeling) 
Rweb:> summary(q_m) 
lm(formula = ln_avgCO2 ~ date, data = Keeling) 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-0.11390 -0.02590 -0.00006  0.02854  0.08392  
             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)     
(Intercept) 4.478e+00  1.581e-03    2832   <2e-16 *** 
date        2.181e-02  7.874e-05     277   <2e-16 *** 
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 
Residual standard error: 0.03868 on 745 degrees of freedom 
Multiple R-squared:  0.9904,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.9904  
F-statistic: 7.67e+04 on 1 and 745 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16 
Rweb:> coefs <- coefficients(q_m) 
Rweb:> points(Keeling$date+2000,exp(predict(q_m)) + historical,type="l",col="red") 
Rweb:> ## describe model: 
Rweb:> thru <- paste(" Exponential trend model: exp(",round(coefs[2],4),"(t-2000)+",round(coefs[1],4),") +",historical) 
Rweb:> text(1960,390, thru, cex=0.8, adj=0) 
Rweb:> a <- coefs[2] 
Rweb:> b <- coefs[1] 
Rweb:> root <- (log(450 - historical) - b)/a + 2000 
Rweb:> thru <- paste(" Predicted year of average 450 PPM: ",round(root), "(lock in 2 degrees C)") 
Rweb:> text(1960,385, thru, cex=0.8, adj=0) 
Rweb:> root <- (log(560 - historical) - b)/a + 2000 
Rweb:> thru <- paste(" Predicted year of average 560 PPM: ",round(root), "(doubled CO2)") 
Rweb:> text(1960,380, thru, cex=0.8, adj=0) 

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