1. Definitions

  2. Theorems/Formulas

  3. Properties/Tricks/Hints/Etc.

    vertical line test: if a vertical line intersects a graph in more than one point, then the graph is not the graph of a function. A violation corresponds to an element of the domain with two different corresponding range elements, which must not occur.

    compositions: given functions f(x) and g(x). If you see the expression f(g(x)), it means that you should first evaluate y=g(x), and then evaluate f(y).

    When you're asked to find the domain of a function, given a formula, you should give the largest set possible that makes sense. In particular, you should look out for square roots (their arguments should be positive) and for quotients (the demoninators should never be zero).

  4. Summary

    This section provides a formal definition of a function, gives examples (various types and specific examples), and discusses how to graph them, how to find domains, and gives a little about compositions of functions.

Sat Aug 28 23:09:09 EDT 2004