
Increasing and Decreasing Functions: Let f be a function defined on some interval. Then for any two numbers tex2html_wrap_inline148 and tex2html_wrap_inline150 in the interval,

f is increasing on the interval if


f is decreasing on the interval if


The derivative will indicate where functions are increasing or decreasing:

  1. if tex2html_wrap_inline156 for each x on an interval, f is increasing on the interval;
  2. if tex2html_wrap_inline162 for each x on an interval, f is decreasing on the interval;
  3. if tex2html_wrap_inline168 for each x on an interval, f is constant on the interval.

Critical numbers: those numbers c in the domain of f for which tex2html_wrap_inline178 or tex2html_wrap_inline180 doesn't exist. A critical point is a point whose coordinates are (c,f(c)).


Wed Oct 13 22:04:44 EDT 2004