
Since the derivative of a function f is itself a function, we can consider taking its derivative. The derivative of the derivative is called the second derivative. Similarly, we can consider third derivatives, fourth derivatives, etc. Like the derivative, higher derivatives have special significance to the shape of the graph of a function. We'll see precisely how in this section.

Notation for higher derivatives: The second derivative of y=f(x) can be written using any of the following notations:


The third derivative can be written in a similar way:


For tex2html_wrap_inline174 , the tex2html_wrap_inline176 derivative is written tex2html_wrap_inline178 . The parentheses indicate that this is not a power, but rather a derivative.


Everyone's favorite example to illustrate the second derivative is motion: for example, the position of a car, its velocity and the acceleration represent f, tex2html_wrap_inline182 , and tex2html_wrap_inline184 respectively.


Just as the values of x such that f'(x)=0 are significant in the graph of f, so are the values of x such that tex2html_wrap_inline194 are significant: but rather than indicating points at which the extrema may occur, values of x such that tex2html_wrap_inline194 indicate points at which changes in concavity may occur (concavity is the umbrella-ness or bowl-ness of a graph).


Second Derivative Test for relative extrema: Let tex2html_wrap_inline184 exist on some open interval containing c, and let f'(c)=0.

  1. If tex2html_wrap_inline210 , then f(c) is a relative minimum;
  2. If tex2html_wrap_inline214 , then f(c) is a relative maximum;
  3. If tex2html_wrap_inline218 , then the test gives no information.

An example of an application of the point of inflection is the point of diminishing returns in economics.

Thu Nov 4 23:50:53 EST 2004