Trios of Concrete Propositions, proposed as Syllogisms: to be examined.

Choose your favorite 10 to turn in. Use the method of Lewis Carrol's Logic Game to determine whether the conclusion is valid or not.

  1. No doctors are enthusiastic;
You are enthusiastic.
    You are not a doctor.

  2. Dictionaries are useful;
Useful books are valuable.
    Dictionaries are valuable.

  3. No misers are unselfish;
None but misers save egg-shells.
    No unselfish people save egg-shells.

  4. Some epicures are ungenerous;
All my uncles are generous.
    My uncles are not epicures.

  5. Gold is heavy;
Nothing but gold will silence him.
    Nothing light will silence him.

  6. Some healthy people are fat;
No unhealthy people are strong.
    Some fat people are not strong.

  7. “I saw it in a newspaper.”
“All newspapers tell lies.”
    It was a lie.

  8. Some cravats are not artistic;
I admire anything artistic.
    There are some cravats that I do not admire.

  9. His songs never last an hour;
A song, that lasts an hour, is tedious.
    His songs are never tedious.

10. Some candles give very little light;
Candles are meant to give light.
    Some things, that are meant to give light, give very little.

11. All, who are anxious to learn, work hard;
Some of these boys work hard.
    Some of these boys are anxious to learn.

12. All lions are fierce;
Some lions do not drink coffee.
    Some creatures that drink coffee are not fierce.

13. No misers are generous;
Some old men are ungenerous.
    Some old men are misers.

14. No fossil can be crossed in love;
An oyster may be crossed in love.
    Oysters are not fossils.

15. All uneducated people are shallow;
Students are all educated.
    No students are shallow.

16. All young lambs jump;
No young animals are healthy, unless they jump.
    All young lambs are healthy.

17. Ill-managed business is unprofitable;
Railways are never ill-managed.
    All railways are profitable.

18. No Professors are ignorant;
All ignorant people are vain.
    No professors are vain.

19. A prudent man shuns hyænas;
No banker is imprudent.
    No banker fails to shun hyænas.

20. All wasps are unfriendly;
No puppies are unfriendly.
    Puppies are not wasps.

21. No mathematicians are honest;
Some non-mathematicians are rich.
    Some rich people are dishonest.

22. No idlers win fame;
Some painters are not idle.
    Some painters win fame.

23. No monkeys are soldiers;
All monkeys are mischievous.
    Some mischievous creatures are not soldiers.

24. All these bonbons are chocolate-creams;
All these bonbons are delicious.
    Chocolate-creams are delicious.

25. No muffins are wholesome;
All buns are unwholesome.
    Buns are not muffins.

26. Some unauthorised reports are false;
All authorised reports are trustworthy.
    Some false reports are not trustworthy.

27. Some pillows are soft;
No pokers are soft.
    Some pokers are not pillows.

28. Improbable stories are not easily believed;
None of his stories are probable.
    None of his stories are easily believed.

29. No thieves are honest;
Some dishonest people are found out.
    Some thieves are found out.

30. No muffins are wholesome;
All puffy food is unwholesome.
    All muffins are puffy.

31. No birds, except peacocks, are proud of their tails;
Some birds, that are proud of their tails, cannot sing.
    Some peacocks cannot sing.

32. Warmth relieves pain;
Nothing, that does not relieve pain, is useful in toothache.
    Warmth is useful in toothache.

33. No bankrupts are rich;
Some merchants are not bankrupts.
    Some merchants are rich.

34. Bores are dreaded;
No bore is ever begged to prolong his visit.
    No one, who is dreaded, is ever begged to prolong his visit.

35. All wise men walk on their feet;
All unwise men walk on their hands.
    No man walks on both.

36. No wheelbarrows are comfortable;
No uncomfortable vehicles are popular.
    No wheelbarrows are popular.

37. No frogs are poetical;
Some ducks are unpoetical.
    Some ducks are not frogs.

38. No emperors are dentists;
All dentists are dreaded by children.
    No emperors are dreaded by children.

39. Sugar is sweet;
Salt is not sweet.
    Salt is not sugar.

40. Every eagle can fly;
Some pigs cannot fly.
    Some pigs are not eagles.