Sample Script for Surveying Voters

We want to collect data as uniformly as possible, to make sure that the data is as consistent as possible. One way to assure that is by having all our "exit pollers" recite the same script (better to recite than to read!).

  1. Hello, my name is ...................

  2. I'm a student at NKU, and I'm conducting an exit poll for a class about the Senate election between these two candidates:
    [at this point hand the two slips of paper to the voter, one with Jack Conway's name on it, one with Rand Paul's name -- Use this page to cut out the candidate names].

  3. Would you please place the one you voted for in the box, and dispose of the other one?
    [If they hand the other back to you, you may take it; they've destroyed the confidentiality of their vote of course, so evidently they're not worried about it....]

  4. Thank you for your time!


Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.