Section 5.2 Worksheet:

Assigned problems: Exercises pp. 270-272, #7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 26, 63, 69, 74, 75, 77 (due Monday, 10/29)

  1. How is a definite integral related to area?

  2. What is a Riemann sum? What's a partition?

  3. What happens to the value of the integral when you change the order of the limits of integration? Why does this make sense?

  4. How are the sample points determined for the three major rules (midpoint, left endpoint, right endpoint)?

  5. Do the ``intermediate points'' have to be equally spaced?


There's a lot going on in this section (check out the summary on p. 269). Pay special attention to all those properties of integrals: which ones are natural, and role off your tongue? Which ones seem strange?

Fri Oct 19 01:52:30 EST 2007