The Central Limit Theorem states (Page 274) that

The sampling distribution of the mean of a random sample drawn from any population is approximately normal for a sufficiently large sample size. The larger the sample size, the more closely the sampling distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline106 will resemble a normal distribution.. For the sampling distribution of the sample mean, tex2html_wrap_inline106 ,

  1. displaymath102

  2. displaymath103

    (called the standard error of the mean or SE mean on Minitab).

  3. If X is normal, then tex2html_wrap_inline106 is normal (exactly). If X is nonnormal, tex2html_wrap_inline106 is approximately normal for sufficiently large sample sizes. The definition of ``sufficiently large'' depends on the extent of nonnormality of X.

Tue Feb 4 00:47:16 EST 2003