None to speak of.
It is important to distinguish between the derivatives with respect to the parameter t and with respect to x: in general
One reflects the time rate of change in y; the other indicates the tangential rate of change in the curve of y=f(x).
Suppose that we can write our parametric curves as y=F(x):
For example,
Then, using the chain rule,
Problem #40, p. 688 shows that this is often possible: ``If f' is continuous
and for
, show that the parametric curve x=f(t),
can be put in the form y=F(x).''
f' must be of fixed sign (positive or negative) on [a,b], as it is continuous and never zero (by the intermediate value theorem).
Thus f is strictly monotonic (either increasing or decreasing) on the
interval, and hence one-to-one on [a,b].
Therefore exists and is continuous on [f(a),f(b)], so
That is,