Section Summary: 13.5 (part a - lines in space)

  1. Definitions

    The vector equation of a line L is


    where t is a scalar. Suppose that tex2html_wrap_inline137 , tex2html_wrap_inline139 , tex2html_wrap_inline141 ; since this is true component-wise, we have that


    These are the parametric equations of the line L.

    These equations are not unique to a line: any point tex2html_wrap_inline143 and vector tex2html_wrap_inline145 with orientation along the line will give another set of equations.

    We can solve for t in each of the three parametric equations above to get a set of three equations


    called the symmetric equations of L.

    Skew lines are lines that do not intersect and are not parallel. Note: this can't happen in the plane! It only happens in three-space (or higher), that lines can pass like ships in the night....

  2. Theorems

    None to speak of.

  3. Properties/Tricks/Hints/Etc.

    Lines in 3-space (or higher) can pair up in only one of three ways:

  4. Summary

    In the first part of section 13.5, we are introduced to various ways of thinking about lines in space. We meet with several different equations of space lines, and see that lines in space behave a little differently than lines in the plane.

Wed Nov 5 18:55:35 EST 2003