Section Summary: 13.5 (part b - planes in space)

  1. Definitions

    The parametric equation of a plane P is


    The vector equation of a plane P is




    Suppose that tex2html_wrap_inline153 , tex2html_wrap_inline155 , tex2html_wrap_inline157 ; then


    This is the scalar equation of the plane P with normal vector n.

    These equations are not unique to a plane: any vector tex2html_wrap_inline159 and vector tex2html_wrap_inline161 normal to the plane will give another set of equations.

    By collecting terms in the scalar equation above we find that


    where tex2html_wrap_inline163 This is called a linear equation in x, y, and z.

    Two planes are parallel if their normal vectors are parallel.

  2. Theorems

    None to speak of.

  3. Properties/Tricks/Hints/Etc.

    distinct planes in 3-space (or higher) can pair up in only two ways:

    The line of intersection can be found by solving both scalar equations of the planes simultaneously.

  4. Summary

    In the second part of section 13.5, we are introduced to various ways of thinking about planes in space. We meet with several different equations of planes.

Mon Nov 10 19:17:46 EST 2003