Drawing axes is important:
Figure 1: Top: two legitimate representations; Bottom: sin and
sacrilege! Don't do it! It's not physically realizable.
This section serves as an introduction to 3-dimensional coordinate systems and the representation of space, rather than the plane. We see that some formulas extend in quite a natural way.
Section Summary: 13.2
Vectors will generally be written with an arrow, e.g. , since
it's hard to write boldface on paper or on the board.
None to speak of.
The length of the three-dimensional vector a is
Subtraction is defined in the obvious way.
Addition is carried out geometrically by putting the tail of vector b to the head of a and creating the vector from the tail of a to the head of b, creating a parallelogram.
and similarly for three-dimensional vectors.
Any vector can be expressed as a sum of the standard unit vectors:
This section simply introduces us to a quantity, called a vector, which allows us to capture both magnitude and direction. This is useful (for example to indicate wind speed and direction on a weather map), and a set of rules and properties are defined to help us to manipulate these quantities.
Every vector can be expressed as a sum of special ``basis'' vectors, which are of unit size (length 1)..
Section Summary: 13.3 - The dot product
If a and b
, then the
dot product of a and b is the number
given by
Two non-zero vectors a and b are called perpendicular or
orthogonal if the angle between them is .
The direction angles of a non-zero vector a are the angles
, and
that the vector makes with the positive x-,
y-, and z-axes. The cosines of these angles are called the direction
The vector projection of b onto a is
The scalar projection of b onto a is
In particular, the unit vector created from a would be
(the vector with the same direction, but unit length).
If is the angle between vectors a and b, then
Hence, a and b are orthogonal (i.e. perpendicular)
Properties of the dot product:
The dot product is a way of combining two vectors to get a scalar (i.e., a number). It effectively measures the shadow that one vector casts on the other, and if the dot product is zero, the two vectors are orthogonal (i.e. perpendicular).
Section Summary: 13.4 - the cross product
We create the cross-product to be a sort of ``right-hand rule'' operator. We might start by saying that we want the cross-product to have the following results:
Now assume the usual sorts of distributive properties, so that given
, we can compute
Note that the cross-product is a vector-product, by contrast with the dot product which produces a number (scalar). Furthermore, the direction of the cross-product is determined by using the right-hand rule.
This cross-product is only defined for three-dimensional vectors, by contrast with the dot product, which is defined for all vectors in all dimensions.
where is the angle between a and b. This
last property can be interpreted geometrically: the norm (length) of the cross
is the area of the parallelogram constructed
using vectors a and b.
This can be generalized to the parallelpiped, constructed of three vectors, whose volume V is given by
If we discover that V is zero, then the vectors a, b and c must be coplanar (the parallelpiped is at most two-dimensional). Note: by symmetry,
Two non-zero vectors a and b are parallel if and only if
Thus the cross-product of two vectors produces a vector which is perpendicular to those two vectors, having magnitude the area of the parallelogram created by the two vectors. We can use this product as a means for determining when two vectors are parallel (they have a zero - vector - cross-product).
Section Summary: 13.5 (part a - lines in space)
The vector equation of a line L is
where t is a scalar. Suppose that
; since this is true component-wise, we have that
These are the parametric equations of the line L.
These equations are not unique to a line: any point and vector
with orientation along the line will give another set of equations.
We can solve for t in each of the three parametric equations above to get a set of three equations
called the symmetric equations of L.
Skew lines are lines that do not intersect and are not parallel. Note: this can't happen in the plane! It only happens in three-space (or higher), that lines can pass like ships in the night....
None to speak of.
Lines in 3-space (or higher) can pair up in only one of three ways:
In the first part of section 13.5, we are introduced to various ways of thinking about lines in space. We meet with several different equations of space lines, and see that lines in space behave a little differently than lines in the plane.
Section Summary: 13.5 (part b - planes in space)
The parametric equation of a plane P is
The vector equation of a plane P is
Suppose that
; then
This is the scalar equation of the plane P with normal vector n.
These equations are not unique to a plane: any vector and vector
normal to the plane will give another set of equations.
By collecting terms in the scalar equation above we find that
where This is called a linear equation in x,
y, and z.
Two planes are parallel if their normal vectors are parallel.
None to speak of.
distinct planes in 3-space (or higher) can pair up in only two ways:
In the second part of section 13.5, we are introduced to various ways of thinking about planes in space. We meet with several different equations of planes.
Section Summary: 14.1
vector-valued function: a function whose domain is the set of real numbers and whose range is a set of vectors. The components of the vector-valued function are called component functions.
Often the independent variable will be denoted by t, since it will often be the case that we're dealing with time as the independent variable.
A space curve C is the plot of points (x,y,z), where
as t varies through an interval I. The equations for the coordinates are called parametric equations of C and t is called a parameter.
This curve can be considered the path of the tip of a vector-valued function
None to speak of.
Many of the ordinary rules of functions pass over directly to vector-valued functions: limits, continuity, etc.
Vector-valued functions are introduced, and some examples of space curves, which can be considered the paths of the tips of vector-valued functions, are given (e.g. twisted cubics, toroidal spirals, trefoil knots).
Many of the usual operations of real-valued functions pass directly over to vector-valued functions (e.g. continuity), only on a component-by-component basis.
Section Summary: 14.2
This section simply ``states the obvious'' in some important cases of the usual calculus operations: they will be carried out in the obvious way - component-wise!
The derivative of vector-valued function r with respect to parameter
t, where , is given by
provided that the component functions are differentiable functions. One might choose to understand as the tangent vector to the space curve of the motion at time t. The second derivative is obtained in the obvious way, by differentiating the derivative function component by component.
Speed of the point in motion is given by the norm of the vector derivative:
Smooth: a space curve given by the vector function r(t) on an
interval I is called smooth if r' is continuous and on I, with the possible exception of the end points.
One operatives similarly for integrals:
where R is an anti-derivative of r. The usual integration rules apply....
The usual rules of differentiation apply: suppose that u and v are differentiable vector-valued functions, c is a scalar, and f is a real-valued function. Then
None to speak of.
The (very good!) news is that the basic operations of differentiation and integration for vector-valued functions are carried out exactly the way we would expect, including the chain rule, the sum rule, and three different versions of the product rule!