Section 11.3 Worksheet:

Assigned problems: Exercises pp. 693-694, #2, 3, 5, 10, 13, 15, 22, 24, 30 (due Monday, 10/6).

  1. In this section we compute arc length and surface area of parametric curves, or surfaces created by rotating such curves about the coordinate axes. Do we deviate from the formulas we discussed earlier, namely


    for arc length, and


    for surface area? In any event, explain your answer.

  2. In Theorem 4, p. 690, we are told that it is important that the curve C be traversed exactly once. What happens if the curve is traversed multiple times, say n times?

  3. The fundamental idea of breaking something smooth up into tiny linear bits appears again in this section. Where and how?

  4. Why does Sir Christopher Wren appear in this section?

Tue Sep 23 23:37:01 EDT 2003