Section Summary: 12.1 - Sequences


Formally, a sequence is a function from the natural numbers ( tex2html_wrap_inline221 ) into the reals ( tex2html_wrap_inline223 ), tex2html_wrap_inline225 , given explicitly (by showing the terms), by a formula, or by a graph. Informally, a sequence is a list of numbers written in a definite order: e.g. tex2html_wrap_inline227 The numbers tex2html_wrap_inline229 are called terms, and tex2html_wrap_inline229 is called the tex2html_wrap_inline233 term. Notice that it appears that our sequence just keeps on going: often our sequences will have terms corresponding to every natural number (the natural numbers themselves form a sequence!), and so are infinite in extent (countably infinite, like the natural numbers).

One famous sequence is the Fibonacci sequence, which is defined recursively by naming the first two terms in the sequence explicitly and then describing a pattern for the rest of the terms:


This sequence appears throughout nature, and was first described by a 13th century Italian mathematician.

We'll be interested especially in the behavior of sequences as the terms head off to infinity. A sequence tex2html_wrap_inline235 has limit L and we write


if for every tex2html_wrap_inline239 there is a corresponding integer N such that


If tex2html_wrap_inline243 exists, then we say the sequence converges, or is convergent. Otherwise we say the sequence diverges, or is divergent.

Sometimes the sequence does not settle down to a limit, but diverges to tex2html_wrap_inline245 : tex2html_wrap_inline247 means that for every positive number M there is an integer N such that


A sequence tex2html_wrap_inline235 is called increasing if tex2html_wrap_inline255 for all tex2html_wrap_inline257 (that is, tex2html_wrap_inline259 . It is called decreasing if tex2html_wrap_inline261 for all tex2html_wrap_inline257 (that is, tex2html_wrap_inline265 . It is called monotonic if it is either increasing or decreasing.

A sequence tex2html_wrap_inline235 is called bounded above if there is a number M such that


It is called bounded below if there is a number m such that


If it is bounded both above and below, then it is a bounded sequence.


If tex2html_wrap_inline277 and tex2html_wrap_inline279 when n is a natural number, then tex2html_wrap_inline283 .

If tex2html_wrap_inline235 and tex2html_wrap_inline287 are convergent sequences and c is a constant, then


If tex2html_wrap_inline291 for tex2html_wrap_inline293 and tex2html_wrap_inline295 , then tex2html_wrap_inline297 .

If tex2html_wrap_inline299 , then tex2html_wrap_inline301 .

The sequence tex2html_wrap_inline303 is convergent if tex2html_wrap_inline305 and divergent for all other values of r: in particular,


Every bounded, monotonic sequence is convergent.

Properties, Hints, etc.


Sequences are like the natural numbers (1, 2, 3, tex2html_wrap_inline309 .): they have distinct ordered terms traipsing off into the far distance. We're interested in what happens as the terms traipse off! Do they approach a fixed value? Do they oscillate, bouncing back and forth? Do they get larger and larger, or smaller and smaller? Several interesting example are included, such as the Fibonacci numbers (which came about from a rabbit population model!).

In this section we encounter many definitions, and a few theorems which help us to understand when a sequence converges (its terms approach a fixed value), or diverges (doesn't converge!). This is an issue of fundamental importance as we push on to our major objective: representing a function using an infinite sequence of functions! We start with numbers, of course, because that's a simpler case.

There are some interesting tricks which rely on our calculus background: using smooth functions to interpolate ``the data'' (the terms of the sequence), and limits of those functions at infinity.

Tue Jan 27 16:53:49 EST 2004