Section Summary: 12.2 - Series


An infinite series is the sum of the terms of an infinite sequence,


We determine whether it converges or not by adding up finitely many terms in what is known as a partial sum. We can add 1, 2, 3, ..., and n terms, and so on. This process generates a sequence of partial sums, and hence we can talk about the convergence of that sequence. If the sequence of partial sums has a limit, then the infinite series is convergent.

Given a series tex2html_wrap_inline202 . Let tex2html_wrap_inline204 denote its tex2html_wrap_inline206 partial sum:


If the sequence tex2html_wrap_inline208 is convergent and tex2html_wrap_inline210 is a real number, then the series tex2html_wrap_inline212 is convergent, and we write


The number s is called the sum of the series. Otherwise, the series is called divergent.

One famous series is the geometric series, which is defined as


Another famous series is the harmonic series, which is defined as



The geometric series


is convergent if |r|<1, with sum


It is divergent otherwise.

If the series tex2html_wrap_inline222 is convergent, then tex2html_wrap_inline224 . By contrast then, if tex2html_wrap_inline226 fails to exist, or exists but is different from 0, then the series diverges. Unfortunately, however, tex2html_wrap_inline224 is not enough to guarantee that the series converges. An example is the harmonic series.

Properties, Hints, etc.

If tex2html_wrap_inline232 and tex2html_wrap_inline234 are convergent series and c is a constant, then so are


One method for showing that a series is divergent is by comparison with some known divergent series (e.g. the harmonic series).


Series are important, but exceedingly odd. What does it mean to add up an infinite number of things? It is a bizarre notion, which troubled Greeks like Zeno, who used the confusion to prove that motion is possible and impossible, that a tortoise can always beat a hare in a race, etc.

We think that we've got a handle on it now, thanks to the ideas of partial sums, and convergence of sequences. I hope that we do!

Tue Feb 3 14:32:23 EST 2004