Section Summary: 12.5 - Alternating Series


Alternating Series: a series whose terms are alternately positive and negative.


Alternating series test: If the alternating series


with tex2html_wrap_inline137 satisfies

  1. tex2html_wrap_inline139 for all n, and
  2. tex2html_wrap_inline143
then the series is convergent.

Alternating Series Estimation Theorem: If tex2html_wrap_inline145 is the sum of an alternating series that satisfies the conditions of the alternating series test, then


Properties, Hints, etc.


Alternating series have nice cancellation properties, encaptured in the alternating series test and the alternating series estimation theorem. The error term is especially nice: if we stop at the tex2html_wrap_inline147 partial sum, then the magnitude of the error is less than the first neglected term.

The author takes pains to warn us not to apply this rule to a general series!

Tue Mar 2 17:43:09 EST 2004