Section Summary: 12.6


Absolutely convergent: A series is called absolutely convergent if the series of absolute values tex2html_wrap_inline152 converges.

Conditionally convergent: A series is called conditionally convergent if the series of is convergent but not absolutely convergent.


If a series tex2html_wrap_inline162 is absolutely convergent, then it is convergent.

The ratio test:

  1. If


    then the series tex2html_wrap_inline162 is absolutely convergent.

  2. If


    (or tex2html_wrap_inline166 ) then the series tex2html_wrap_inline162 is divergent.

The root test:

  1. If


    then the series tex2html_wrap_inline162 is absolutely convergent.

  2. If


    (or tex2html_wrap_inline166 ) then the series tex2html_wrap_inline162 is divergent.

Properties, Hints, etc.

One of the really freaky things about conditionally convergent series is that re-arrangement of terms results in any sum one desires. (This is not the case with absolutely convergent series).


The difference in the ratio test in this section is that it is ``self-referrential'': we compare terms of tex2html_wrap_inline176 with other terms tex2html_wrap_inline178 (rather than with some other series).

Tue Mar 16 20:57:55 EST 2004