Section Summary: 8.4 - Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions


A rational function f is a ratio of polynomials:


where P and Q are polynomials. If the degree of P is less than the degree of Q, then f is proper; if not, then we can use long division to write


where S is polynomial, and the degree of R is less than the degree of Q. Since we certainly know how to integrate any polynomial, S poses no problem; so the problem of integrating rational function reduces to the problem of integrating proper rational functions.

To integrate any rational function, we need to know how to factor any polynomial. The important fact is that every polynomial can be factored into linear factors - terms like ax+b - if we allow complex numbers for a. If we stick with real numbers, then every polynomial can be factored into linear terms and quadratic terms (of the form tex2html_wrap_inline199 ). We'll stick with reals, so we need to worry about the quadratic terms.

The quadratic terms arise from pairs of complex roots (called conjugates). For example, the polynomial tex2html_wrap_inline201 can't be factored over the real numbers (we often say that ``it can't be factored''); in fact, however, the polynomial can be factored, but it has complex roots:


where tex2html_wrap_inline203 .


Fundamental theorem of algebra: every tex2html_wrap_inline207 degree polynomial p with real coefficients can be factored into n linear terms of the form tex2html_wrap_inline213 , where tex2html_wrap_inline215 is a complex number:


Properties, tips, etc.

Consider proper rational function f


We consider four cases:

  1. Q can be factored into distinct linear factors:




    Of course, each of the terms on the right are integrated to yield logs, so we know how to integrate such rational functions.

  2. Q can be factored into linear factors, some of which are repeated:


    Then for each repeated term, we need to add a term for each power to the partial fraction:


    Since the higher powers (beyond linear) are easily integrated using u-substitution, again, we see that these rational functions can be integrated.

  3. Q contains irreducible quadratic factors, none of which are repeated:


    Then the partial fraction decomposition of Q will contain a term of the form


    Such terms are integrated using the arctan:


    (you may need to complete a square first). Again, this class of rational functions can be integrated.

  4. Q contains irreducible quadratic factors, which may be repeated:


    Then the partial fraction decomposition of Q will contain terms of the form


    Such terms are integrated using the arctan:


    (you may need to complete a square first). Again, this class of rational functions can be integrated.


In this section the theory of analytical integration of rational functions is presented. The claim, substantiated by example, is that any rational function can be written as a sum of so-called ``partial fractions'' (actually fractional expressions), each of which we know how to integrate.

This is another one of those sections which is ``at risk'' in today's reformed calculus environment: there was a time when these techniques were important for the solution of real problems - that's not the case anymore. Because this is an algorithmic technique, any computer can solve these integrals faster and more accurately than you can! Just enjoy the algebraic notions which are developed in the section....

Tue Jan 27 17:48:47 EST 2004