Mersenne and Perfect Numbers
Father Marin Mersenne (1588-1648) helped drive the scientists of his day to share their results, and pass around the scientific knowledge available at that time. Yet the French priest had interests of his own, including number theory. Some of the most famous primes are graced with his name.
perfect number: a positive integer n equal to the sum of all positive divisors, excluding n itself. [Name bestowed by the Pythagoreans.]
Mersenne number: , with
. If
is prime, then
it's called a Mersenne prime
The latest prime (as of today, a Mersenne prime) was found December 15, 2005. The 43rd Mersenne Prime, it is
and has nearly 10 million digits. There's a prize of $100,000 for the first 10 million digit prime!
Last time I taught this course (one year ago), they'd just found the 42nd, as described in Science News: ``On Feb. 18 [2005], the computer-based Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) turned up the largest known prime number, whose formula is 2 to the 25,964,951st power minus 1. The new prime is a whopping 7,816,230 digits long, making it more than half-a-million digits longer than the previous record-holder. The number would completely fill 58 issues of Science News.''). I like that analogy!
Mersenne had conjectured that is prime for 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31,
67, 127, and 257, and composite for all other prime powers <257. Mersenne was
wrong (five in the list are not prime, and he missed three others), as was
dramatically demonstrated in 1903 by Frank Nelson Cole for the case of 67 (See
story, p. 216).
The test of a perfect number is if
Theorem 10.1: If is prime (k>1), then
perfect, and every even perfect number is of this form.
Theorem 10.2: An even perfect number n ends in the digit 6 or 8;
equivalently, either
The proof of this result relies on a lemma, which is interesting:
Lemma: If is prime (a>0,
, then a=2 and k is also
[As our author notes, ancients believe that was always prime for k
prime, but this is not the case:
is not prime