Number Theory Section Summary: 3.2

The Sieve of Eratosthenes

  1. Summary

    There are an infinite number of primes! You knew that, but now you should be able to prove it.

    A composite number a can be written as bc, where, WLOG, tex2html_wrap_inline199 . If b is prime, then, since tex2html_wrap_inline203 , then a possesses a prime less than tex2html_wrap_inline207 ; if not, then b contains a prime factor p, which must be less than tex2html_wrap_inline207 - and this factor must also be a prime factor of a, since p|b, and b|a. It suffices then, to look for prime factors of a among the primes tex2html_wrap_inline223 .

    Example: Determine whether 3731 is prime, or find its prime factorization.

    The sieve of Eratosthenes is an interesting historical artifact: an early method for determining primes.

    Example (homework): #2, p. 50.

  2. Theorems

    Theorem 3.4 (Euclid): The primes are infinite in number.

    Theorem 3.5: If tex2html_wrap_inline225 is the tex2html_wrap_inline227 prime, then tex2html_wrap_inline229 .

    Corollary: For tex2html_wrap_inline231 , there are at least n+1 primes less than tex2html_wrap_inline235 .

  3. Properties/Tricks/Hints/Etc.

    Between tex2html_wrap_inline237 and 2n there is at least one prime, from which one can show that for tex2html_wrap_inline237 ,


Thu Feb 2 17:26:23 EST 2006