Number Theory Section Summary: 4.4

Linear Congruences

  1. Summary

    Recall that a congruence is an equation of the form tex2html_wrap_inline395 ; a linear congruence should be that equation with P(x)=ax-b - and it is!


    which means that ax-b=ny for some tex2html_wrap_inline401 ; rewriting, we have that


    to be solved in integers - that is, a Diophantine equation!

    Now the Diophantine equation could have an infinite number of solutions, but since we're working modulo n, we're only interested in solutions distinct mod n.

  2. Definitions

    linear congruence a congruence in which P(x) is of the form P(x)=ax-b.

  3. Theorems

    Theorem 4.7: The linear congruence tex2html_wrap_inline411 has a solution if and only if d | b, where tex2html_wrap_inline415 . If d|b, then the linear congruence has d mutually incongruent solutions modulo n.

    Corollary: If gcd(a,n)=1, then the linear congruence tex2html_wrap_inline411 has a unique solution modulo n.

    Example #1bdf, p. 82: Solve the following linear congruences:

    Theorem 4.8 (The Chinese Remainder Theorem): Let tex2html_wrap_inline431 be positive integers such that tex2html_wrap_inline433 for tex2html_wrap_inline435 . Then the system of linear congruences


    has a simultaneous solution which is unique modulo tex2html_wrap_inline437 .

    The unique solution is of the form


    where tex2html_wrap_inline439 and tex2html_wrap_inline441 is the unique solution to the linear congruence tex2html_wrap_inline443 .

    Example: Find x such that x hours from midnight will be 6:00 AM, and such that x days from Sunday will be Thursday.


    Theorem 4.9: The system of linear congruences


    has a unique solution whenever tex2html_wrap_inline451 .

    For those of you with linear algebra backgrounds: ad-bc in the linear system of Theorem 4.9 you'll recognize as the determinant.

    Example #20, p. 83: Find the solutions of each:

Thu Feb 23 13:56:16 EST 2006