Number Theory Section Summary: 6.1

Number-Theoretic Functions

  1. Summary

    We encounter two interesting number-theoretic functions, tex2html_wrap_inline295 and tex2html_wrap_inline297 , and discover an interesting relationship between these and the prime factorization of a number.

    The concept of a multiplicative function is also introduced, which will prove useful (now and later on).

  2. Definitions

    Number-theoretic function: any function whose domain is the set of natural numbers (and whose range is generally also in tex2html_wrap_inline299 ).

    Definition 6.1: Given a positive integer n, let tex2html_wrap_inline303 denote the number of positive divisors of n, and tex2html_wrap_inline307 denote the sum of those divisors.

    The notation


    means ``sum the values of f as d runs over the divisors of n''. Given that, then




    Example: : Evaluate tex2html_wrap_inline315 and tex2html_wrap_inline317 .

    Example: : Evaluate tex2html_wrap_inline319 and tex2html_wrap_inline321 .

    Example: : What are tex2html_wrap_inline323 and tex2html_wrap_inline325 when p is prime?

    Example: #15, p. 110

    Example: : How do tex2html_wrap_inline329 and tex2html_wrap_inline315 compare?

    Definition 6.2: A number-theoretic function is said to be multiplicative if


    whenever tex2html_wrap_inline333 .

    Examples: f(n)=1, f(n)=n.

    By induction,


    whenever the tex2html_wrap_inline339 are pairwise relatively prime. Hence, a multiplicative function is completely determined for n once its values on the prime powers of the factorization of n are known:


    Example: #17, p. 110

  3. Theorems

    Theorem 6.1 If tex2html_wrap_inline345 is the prime factorization of n>1, then the positive divisors of n are precisely those integers of the form tex2html_wrap_inline351 , where tex2html_wrap_inline353 for i in tex2html_wrap_inline357 .

    Theorem 6.2 If tex2html_wrap_inline345 is the prime factorization of n>1, then

    1. displaymath277


    2. displaymath278

    The proof of the first is a counting argument, and the second uses a sum of a geometric series and a neat decomposition.

    The notation


    means ``multiply the values of f as i runs over from 1 to r''. Given that, then




    Let's check for n=240.

    Theorem 6.3 The functions tex2html_wrap_inline295 and tex2html_wrap_inline297 are multiplicative functions.

    Lemma If tex2html_wrap_inline333 , then the set of positive divisors of mn consists of all products tex2html_wrap_inline379 , where tex2html_wrap_inline381 , tex2html_wrap_inline383 , and tex2html_wrap_inline385 ; furthermore these products are all distinct.

    Theorem 6.4 If f is a multiplicative function and F is defined by


    then F is also multiplicative.

    Corollary: the functions tex2html_wrap_inline295 and tex2html_wrap_inline297 are multiplicative functions.

Thu Mar 16 16:47:08 EST 2006