Number Theory Section Summary: 7.2

Euler's Phi Function

  1. Summary

    Euler's phi function is another number theoretic function, and an extremely important one as it allows us to generalize Fermat's Little Theorem (details in section 7.3). Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) is really quite an amazing character, and hopefully you enjoyed the description given of his life in section 7.1. Please do read the historical notes, and remember some of these stories!

  2. Definitions

    Definition 7.1: For tex2html_wrap_inline238 , let tex2html_wrap_inline240 denote the number of positive integers not exceeding n that are relatively prime to n.

    Problem: compute

  3. Theorems

    Theorem 7.1: If p is prime and k>0, then


    Lemma: Given integers a, b, c, tex2html_wrap_inline264 if and only if tex2html_wrap_inline266 and tex2html_wrap_inline268 .

    Theorem 7.2: The function tex2html_wrap_inline270 is a multiplicative function.

    Theorem 7.3: If the integer n>1 has the prime factorization tex2html_wrap_inline274 , then


    Proof: tex2html_wrap_inline270 is a multiplicative function!

    Theorem 7.4: For n>2, tex2html_wrap_inline240 is an even integer.

Tue Mar 21 17:03:22 EST 2006