Number Theory Section Summary: 7.5

The RSA algorithm

The RSA algorithm (developed by Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman in 1977) depends on the fact that

Computers can't quickly and efficiently factor humongous numbers.

So here are the steps:

whenever gcd(M,n)=1 (which is almost always, given the construction of n).

Suppose (WLOG) that p divides M (we're not worried about q dividing M too, since M<n). Then




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So once you've calculated j, you can throw away (eat, burn, etc.) p and q: the only secret needed to decode a message sent to you is j. Don't lose that! Put that in a safe place, because anyone can decode your messages given j.

Example: p=11, q=13 - two enormous primes!

Tue Apr 4 17:58:03 EDT 2006