MAT310: Number Theory Overview


We've been over a lot of terrain in this course. Some themes have, however, been appearing over and over. Well-ordering, the division algorithm, prime factorizations, Diophantine equations, various proof techniques (including contradiction and induction), and certainly math history have had important roles in this course.

I hope that you have a better sense of where mathematics has come from (and maybe even where it's going!). One thing we've seen is that, in spite of number theory's purity, it is also absolutely essential to some modern applications of mathematics (e.g. information security). Pythagorean triples arose from an application, and then formed the basis of Fermat's last theorem.

Section 1.1

Some useful preliminaries:

Section 2.1

Section 2.2

Section 2.3

Section 2.4

Section 3.1

Section 3.2

Section 3.3

Section 4.2

Section 4.3

Section 4.4

Section 5.3

Section 5.4

Section 6.1

Section 7.2

Section 7.3

Section 7.5

Section 7.5b

Section 10.2

Section 11.1

Section 11.2

Section 13.1

Section 13.2

Thu Apr 28 15:57:15 EDT 2005