Fibonacci Nim Strategy

  1. Start with a non-Fibonacci number, and pick first: then you're guaranteed to win.




    The fact of the matter is that we can do this:

    Theorem 13.4: Any positive integer N can be expressed as a sum of distinct Fibonacci numbers, no two of which are consecutive; that is,


    where tex2html_wrap_inline233 and tex2html_wrap_inline235 for tex2html_wrap_inline237 (the Zeckendorf representation).

    Proof: By the second principle of induction.

  2. You pick first, and take the number of sticks indicated by the smallest in the Zeckendorf representation, tex2html_wrap_inline239 .

    In practice, this will leave our opponent unable to follow the same strategy we are using, since


    for all tex2html_wrap_inline241 . The only troublesome case is the case of m=1: but the pair tex2html_wrap_inline245 is never necessary, since it can be replace by tex2html_wrap_inline247 , since


    If tex2html_wrap_inline249 was in the sum, then you might protest that we now have consecutive Fibonaccis, but the fact of the matter is that we can always pass the problem up, until it disappears. The worst cases are these:



    So this only happens when we started with a Fibonacci. Otherwise, we will ultimately pass the problem up until a gap exists, and we have another representation that is non-consecutive Fibonacci numbers.

  3. Hence Player 2 faces


    and can't choose to remove tex2html_wrap_inline251 - she or he must take some portion thereof; hence we split tex2html_wrap_inline251 , as follows:




    Player 2 must take something, but can't take all of tex2html_wrap_inline251 , leaving a succession of non-consecutive Fibonacci numbers for us, Bwahahahaaaa!

  4. As the play continues, we ultimately get down to where we end up with something like


    to us; we take tex2html_wrap_inline257 , and they're stuck. They take 1, we take 2 and win; they take 2, we take 1 and win.

Thu Apr 27 18:02:04 EDT 2006