Section Summary: 15.4

Tangent Plane Approximation

  1. Definitions

    The tangent plane to the surface S at the point tex2html_wrap_inline146 is the plane containing both tangent lines of the x and y cross-sections. Suppose f has continuous partial derivatives. Those tangent lines are given by




    An equation of the tangent plane to the surface z=f(x,y) at the point tex2html_wrap_inline146 is


    The function


    is called the linearization of f at tex2html_wrap_inline160 .

    If z=f(x,y), then f is differentiable at (a,b) if tex2html_wrap_inline168 can be expressed in the form


    where tex2html_wrap_inline170 and tex2html_wrap_inline172 as tex2html_wrap_inline174 .

    For a function z=f(x,y), we define the differentials dx and dy to be independent variables; that is, they can be given any values. Then the differential dz, the total differential, is defined by


    Differentials give us approximate changes to a function in the neighborhood of a point, generally when dx and dy are small.

  2. Theorems

    If the partial derivatives tex2html_wrap_inline188 and tex2html_wrap_inline190 exist near (a,b) and are continuous at (a,b), then f is differentiable at (a,b).

  3. Properties/Tricks/Hints/Etc.

  4. Summary

    This is a simple generalization of the tangent line, of course: in each cross-section, the tangent plane contains the tangent line. One of the interesting results is that differentiability in just two directions means that the function is differentiable (i.e., smooth).

Mon Feb 2 13:55:34 EST 2004