Section Summary: 17.4

Green's Theorem

  1. Definitions

    A simple closed curve is positively oriented if it is traversed in a counterclockwise direction. This means that the region is to the left as we traverse C.

  2. Theorems

    Let C be a positively oriented, piecewise-smooth, simple closed curve in the plane and let D be the region bounded by C (C is sometimes denoted tex2html_wrap_inline234 in this case, as the boundary of D). If P and Q have continuous partial derivatives on an open region that contains D, then


    Pardon the re-use of the tex2html_wrap_inline244 symbol in this way! The symbol tex2html_wrap_inline246 indicates that the boundary is traversed in the positively oriented way.

  3. Properties/Tricks/Hints/Etc.

    From 17.3 (the fundamental theorem of line integrals) we discovered that for gradient (or conservative) fields tex2html_wrap_inline248




    which means that Green's theorem in the case of gradient fields becomes


    We knew that!

    Green's theorem can be used in a sneaky way to calculate areas: if we find functions P and Q so that


    then we can use a line integral to compute area! Fortunately such pairs of P and Q are easy to find:

    If any particular pair makes the line integral easy, then we're in clover....

  4. Summary

    Green's theorem is simply a calculation of a rather special integral on a two-dimensional region D:


    It shows one way to handle the ``work problem'' tex2html_wrap_inline272 when the field is not conservative. It can also be seen as a generalization of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to area integrals, in the sense that the integral defined on a region can be evaluated by considering only its boundary.

    We can use this backwards, however: if the boundary calculation is ugly, it may be that the area integral is easier!

    Let's show how Green's theorem is just a generalization of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to area integrals: consider


    for a simple region D. If we can think of a P(x,y) such that




    Now let's consider


    where tex2html_wrap_inline278 and tex2html_wrap_inline280 are the integrals over the bottom and top of C, respectively. Using tex2html_wrap_inline284 as the parameterization for tex2html_wrap_inline278 and similarly for tex2html_wrap_inline280 , we have


Fri Apr 16 15:03:57 EDT 2004