Section Summary: 17.5

Curl and Divergence

  1. Definitions

  2. Theorems

  3. Properties/Tricks/Hints/Etc.

    If curl tex2html_wrap_inline326 , then F is not conservative.

    In the context of fluid flow,

    1. The divergence measures the tendency of a fluid to diverge from the point (x,y,z), whereas
    2. the curl measures the rotational tendency of the fluid (about the axis given by the direction of the curl) at the point (x,y,z).

  4. Summary

    In this section we encounter two important extensions of the gradient operator (also known as ``del''): del operates on a scalar function to produce the gradient. In addition,

    We discover two equivalent vector-formulation of Green's theorem which allows us to use the result in three-space, and understand it in the context of fluid flow.

    The curl also provides us with a way of determining whether a vector field is conservative (that is, a gradient field).

Fri Apr 16 12:29:04 EDT 2004