Section Summary: 17.9

The Divergence Theorem

  1. Definitions

    sink: a point in a vector field at which the divergence is negative.

    source: a point in a vector field at which the divergence is positive.

  2. Theorems

    The Divergence Theorem: Let E be a simple solid region and let S be the boundary surface of E, given with positive (outward) orientation. Let F be a vector field whose component functions have continuous partial derivatives on an open region containing E. Then


  3. Properties/Tricks/Hints/Etc.

    Let v(x,y,z) be the velocity field of a fluid with constant density tex2html_wrap_inline183 . Then F= tex2html_wrap_inline183 v is the rate of flow per unit area. For a point tex2html_wrap_inline187 in the fluid at the center of a ball tex2html_wrap_inline189 with small radius a,


    where tex2html_wrap_inline193 is the volume of the ball, and tex2html_wrap_inline195 is the ball's surface. If you like you can think of this a definition of the divergence! It gives us a good way of thinking of it, at any rate, as the net outward flux at tex2html_wrap_inline187 .

  4. Summary

    You can imagine that a vector field F represents a velocity field for the movement of ``stuff'': if there's a net outflow at a point, then it's a source, and producing stuff; a net inflow and it's a sink, and absorbing stuff.

    At every point in the domain of F, the divergence represents the extent to which ``stuff is being created or destroyed'' (yes, I know how that sounds!). So if you enclose a volume in space, stuff is going to be oozing in or out, depending on the divergence over the volume. The total ooze is tex2html_wrap_inline199 . Well, if stuff oozes in or out, it has got to flow across the surface; so the surface integral tex2html_wrap_inline201 should represent all the stuff flowing out of the region - the sum total of all that's being produced or being consumed. That's what the divergence theorem says!

Wed Apr 28 11:36:55 EDT 2004