Section 15.1 Worksheet:

Assigned problems: Exercises pp. 917-921, #1, 4, 6, 24, 29, 30, 31, 45 (due Wednesday, 1/21).

  1. Find examples of functions defined in each of the four ways described by the author:

  2. In the study of univariate functions, we looked for intervals on which a function was defined: how is the situation different in the multivariate case?

  3. Think of some examples of level curves other than those provided by the book (perhaps taken from problems of interest to you in your hobbies, or anticipated specialties).

  4. What do multivariate linear functions look like, algebraically and graphically? The author asserts that these will play an important role in multivariate calculus: can you imagine why?

Mon Jan 12 11:32:46 EST 2004