Section 15.4 Worksheet:

Assignment: Page 950: 1, 4, 7, 11, 18, 28, 29, 31, 42 (due Wednesday, 2/4).

  1. How is the tangent plane for a bivariate function analogous to the tangent line in the univariate case?

  2. How are the tangent equations analogous in the same situation noted above?

  3. Approaching from two directions and finding the same limit does not guarantee that a limit exists. If partial derivatives tex2html_wrap_inline116 and tex2html_wrap_inline118 are exist around (a,b) and are continuous at (a,b), what can we conclude?

  4. Draw a tangent plane approximation to a bivariate function of your choice at a point.

Fri Jan 23 01:17:28 EST 2004