Section 15.8 Worksheet:

Assignment: Page 990: 1-3, 5, 9, 13, 17, 18, 21, 25, 29, 41 (due Wednesday, 2/18).

  1. Suppose that you're climbing a mountain, and want to find the highest elevation at which the temperature is tex2html_wrap_inline128 .

    Assume that temperature decreases with elevation. Use Figure 1, page 985, with k=76, to explain the strategy.

  2. Who was Lagrange?

  3. An alternate formulation of Lagrange multipliers is that we seek extrema of a function


    Differentiate with respect to x, y, and tex2html_wrap_inline136 ; what equations do you derive?

Mon Feb 9 00:42:16 EST 2004