Section 16.7 Worksheet: Triple Integrals

Assignment: Page 1050: 2, 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 29, 34, 45 (due Wednesday, 3/24).

  1. When we generalize Fubini's theorem to the three-dimensional case of the triple integral, how many different iterated integrals are equivalent? (Equivalently, in how many different ways can one write the product ``dxdydz''?)

  2. If the poster child of the univariate integral is area, and poster child of the double integral is volume, what's the poster child of the triple integral?

  3. Why are there three different region types: I, II, and III?

  4. Are there any really different ideas in this section, or is everything basically a straightforward generalization of the bivariate case?

Mon Mar 15 00:20:14 EST 2004