Section 17.5 Worksheet:

Assignment: Page 1115: 1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 19, 27, 28 (due Friday, 4/23).

  1. The curl is a sort of ``operator'' on a vector field. Given a vector field F, what sort of animal does the curl operator return?

  2. The divergence is also a sort of ``operator'' on a vector field. Given a vector field F, what sort of animal does the divergence operator return?

  3. The curl provides us with another test that a vector field is not conservative (that is, a gradient field): how so?

  4. How do we interpret the curl in terms of fluid flow? How about the divergence?

Mon Apr 12 22:35:49 EDT 2004