MAT360 Section Summary: 1.1 Review of Calculus

  1. Definitions

    There are several definitions from calculus presented, including the tex2html_wrap_inline168 definition of a limit, definition of continuous function (at a point and on an interval), limit of a sequence, differentiable function (at a point and on an interval), and the Riemann integral.

    In conjunction with the Taylor series, the following are also defined:

  2. Theorems/Formulas

    Theorems exposed are

  3. Properties/Tricks/Hints/Etc.

    Errata: having implied that when they say ``between'' they mean ``strictly between'', they operate in #26 as though ``between'' means ``or equal to''.

  4. Summary

    A lot of our time in this course will be spent with our old friend calculus, as we deal with issues that we handled in other ways back in the day.... Now we will ask questions such as how to integrate functions which are not integrable using elementary functions; how to talk about derivatives of functions defined only by data points; how to find roots of functions; etc.

    As examples of intractable functions that we glossed over in calculus class, consider the following problems:

    Both of these problems are intractable using methods from your calculus; however, we can use the calculus to get an answer to either to whatever precision required - that's the job of numerical analysis!

Wed Aug 31 11:51:01 EDT 2005