MAT360 Section Summary: 3.1

Interpolation and the Lagrange Polynomial (part II)

  1. Summary

    In part II, we look at the error we're making in estimating our function (which looks familiar, actually), and examine a method for calculating the value of the interpolating polynomial at a single point (Neville's method).

  2. Definitions

  3. Theorems/Formulas

    Theorem 3.3: Let tex2html_wrap_inline181 be n+1 distinct numbers in [a,b], and tex2html_wrap_inline187 . Then tex2html_wrap_inline189


    The error term looks a lot like the error term of the tex2html_wrap_inline173 Taylor polynomial, except that it replaces tex2html_wrap_inline193 with tex2html_wrap_inline195 : i.e., it distributes the pain across the interpolation points (sometimes called the nodes, or knots) tex2html_wrap_inline197 .

  4. Properties/Tricks/Hints/Etc.

    Neville's method: is useful for calculating a value of the interpolating polynomial of degree n to n+1 data points at a single value of x: it is based on successive linear approximation to higher powered interpolating functions to more and more points.

Fri Oct 7 03:31:19 EDT 2005