MAT360 Section Summary: 4.1b

More Numerical Differentiation

  1. Summary

    Last time we looked at two- and three- point formulas. This time we want to go beyond those, to three and five point formulas.

  2. Definitions

  3. Properties/Tricks/Hints/Etc.

    One interesting observation is that if an error term is dependent on the tex2html_wrap_inline350 derivative term tex2html_wrap_inline352 , then the approximation will be exact for polynomial functions of degree n-1. So, if you knew that a certain phenomenon would theoretically be modelled by a cubic function, then we can get the derivatives exactly right using position data and the appropriate form of the approximation to the derivatives (e.g. a five-point scheme).

Fri Oct 28 16:23:45 EDT 2005