MAT 385: Discrete Math
Course Materials:
Edited Highlights
Schedule and assignments
Learning Objectives
Your projects
Office hours
: MTRF, 12-12:50pm; W, 2-3pm; R, 3:00pm-4pm. Contact me if you want to meet via
Daily Agendas/Summaries
Chapters 1-2:
Day 1 (1/13): Welcome -- let's go!
Day 2 (1/15): 1.1: Statements, Symbolic Representations, and Tautologies
Day 3 (1/22): 1.2: Propositional Logic
Day 4 (1/27): 1.3: Quantifiers, Predicates, and Validity
Day 5 (1/29): 1.4: Predicate Logic
Day 6: (2/3): 2.1: Proof Techniques
Day 7: (2/5): 2.2: Induction
Day 8: (2/10): More induction
Chapters 3-4:
Day 9: (2/12): 3.1: Recursion
Day 10: (2/17): 3.2: Recurrence Relations
Day 11: (2/19): 3.3: Analysis of Algorithms
How Google uses linear algebra to rate web pages
Feel free to
email me
with your questions.
Departmental Syllabus
Taking tests in my classes
Suggestions for the NKU Math/CS student
Free tutoring for NKU students is available from
the math center at Learning PLUS
Website maintained by
Andy Long
. Comments appreciated.