Traversing a Binary Tree

Traversing a binary tree comes in handy when you would like to do a print out of all the data elements in the tree. We demonstrate three types of traversals in our tutorial.

All traversal descriptions refer to:

Figure 1.1:  Sorted Binary Tree

These three types are as follows:

Pre order traversal:
A pre order traversal prints the contents of a sorted tree, in pre order. In other words, the contents of the root node are printed first, followed by left subtree and finally the right subtree. So in Figure 1.1, a pre order traversal would result in the following string: FCADJHIK.
PreOrder (T)
    If T < > Null
    then print (
    else print(‘empty tree’)
    If T.lp < > null
    then PreOrder(T.lp)
    If T.rp < > null
    then preorder (T.rp)
In order traversal:

An in order traversal prints the contents of a sorted tree, in order. In other words, the lowest in value first, and then increasing in value as it traverses the tree. The order of a traversal would be 'a' to 'z' if the tree uses strings or characters, and would be increasing numerically from 0 if the tree contains numerical values. So in Figure 1.1, an in order traversal would result in the following string: ACDFHIJK.

InOrder (T)
    If T < > null
    print (‘empty tree’)
    If T.lp < > null
    then InOrder(T.lp)
    print (
    If T.rp < > null
    then InOrder (T.lp)
Post order traversal:

A post order traversal prints the contents of a sorted tree, in post order. In other words, the contents of the left subtree are printed first, followed by right subtree and finally the root node. So in Figure 1.1, a post order traversal would result in the following string: ADCIHKJF.

PostOrder (T)
    If T = null
    then print (‘empty tree’)
    If T.lp < > null
    then PostOrder(T.lp)
    If T.rp < > null
    then PostOrder(T.lp)

If the word right is replaced by left and vice versa in the above definitions the result is called the Converse of the definition. (I.e. ConversePreOrder – Process the root, the right subtree and then the left subtree)