Turnbull's Test

  • spatial
  • local
  • region-based
  • Indications/Recommendations for use: Scan for clusters of cases arising from a population size R. This method is most powerful when the population size at elevated risk is known a priori.
    Description: A circular window is centered on each region in turn and expanded to include nearest neighboring regions until the total aggregated population equals R.
    Test statistic: The maximum number of cases observed among all areas with fixed population sizes. Stat:
    Null Hypothesis: The number of cases in the constant-population areas follow a Poisson distribution with a common rate, but they are not statistically independent as the areas overlap Ho:
    Alternative Hypothesis: Not the Null Hypothesis Ha:
    GeoMed Inputs: Region-level data with a centroid coordinate, case counts, and population at risk per region; Population radius R.
    GeoMed Outputs: Tabled information includes test statistic and p-value for the 3 most significant clusters; mapped information provides cluster locations.
    Example Analysis Reference: Turnbull, B.W., et. al., 1990. Monitoring for clusters of disease: Application to leukemia incidence in upstate New York, Am J Epidemiology, 132:S136-S143.

    Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.