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The process described below will guide you through a mostly-virtual hiring process. This method will give you more flexibility in completing the paperwork.

You should have received an encrypted email from CINSAM's Budget and Administration Coordinator containing a hiring packet. Some of the documents are specific to your assignment and some are general hiring forms.

If you would prefer to complete the packet by hand in an in-person meeting, we can certainly do that!

Let me know if you have questions!
Northern Kentucky University, Center for Integrative Natural Science and Mathematics (CINSAM)

Tina Altenhofen

Budget & Administration Coordinator

Location: LA 132 (inside LA 134 suite)
Phone: (859) 572-5381


What happens after STEP 5?

Once you have completed all steps listed above,

  • CINSAM will send the completed hiring packet to Student Financial Assistance (SFA) so they can secure the rest of the signatures, enter your information in NKU's system, assign you an employee number, and get your payments scheduled with Payoll.
  • Once SFA has completed those items, they will notify CINSAM when you are officially hired.
  • CINSAM will then send a final copy of the documents (only those relevant to your assignment) to you and the department with whom you are working. Once you receive this email, you are clear to begin working.
  • You will start seeing payments based on the schedule outlined in the final Student Stipend Award.
  • Please maintain your own personal copy of the forms you fill out, as you will likely need to reference them in the future.