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A student meets with her academic advisor in an office.
Students who have declared a major in any of the Physics, Geology, and Engineering Technology (PGET) programs listed below, require advising and must meet with their advisor prior to registration each semester to determine their classes. (An advising hold will be in place until this step is complete.)
How To
PGET Advisor Directory

myNKU and SSC Navigate accounts should indicate one of the following advisors. If you are unable to reach your advisor, contact Dr. Dirk Grupe.

Major / Program Advisor / Email Phone # Office #
General Advising Rachel Thornton
(859) 572-1523 SC 152
EEET Dr. Zeel Maheshwari (859) 572-5308 BC 233
EEET Dr. Gang Sun (859) 572-5385
BC 225
EGP, PENG, PHY Dr. Chari Ramkumar (859) 572-5405 SC 142
EGP, PENG, PHY Dr. Matthew Zacate (859) 572-1365 SC 144
GLY Julie Ann Reizner
(859) 572-6683 SC 251
MET Dr. Minchul Shin (859) 572-5186 BC 231
MET Dr. Mahdi Yazdanpour (859) 572-5790 BC 229
MMET Dr. Seyed Allameh (859) 572-5759 BC 231
MMET Dr. Morteza Sadat-Hossieny (859) 572-5762 BC 232

Major / Program Key

  • EEET - Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology
  • EGP - Engineering Physics
  • GLY - Geology
  • MMET - Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Technology
  • MET - Mechatronics Engineering Technology
  • PHY - Physics
  • PENG - Pre-Engineering