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The studio arts degree is meant for the generalist who has interests in taking courses from many areas within studio art and some courses that can be more concentrated in a single area.

Students choosing this Bachelor of Arts track will do a minor or area of concentration outside of art to round out their education. Frequently, students choosing this degree already have interests in these outside areas but wish to learn more about art and art-making in order to further their expertise.




Students in Art & Design can gain 24/7 access to our facilities. Art students may request after hours permission and access to the Fine Arts Center or the Ceramics &read more


Checklists & Procedures

BA • Studio Arts Track

All students enter the Art & Design Program as Bachelor of Arts (BA) candidates. Upon completion of the art and designread more

Minor • Art

The minor in art is meant to give students an introduction to understanding many of the disciplines in art and design. Students take a condensed version of the art foundations core and course electives from many of art disciplines of their choosing with the art minor.



Students who choose this track work with faculty across multiple art and design disciplines. Here is a link to the full-time faculty in art and design.




Career Paths

Careers in art and design are ripe with opportunities. The 21st century multi-media explosion along with the emergence of the web, smart phones and digital tablets has created opportunities for designers and artists like never before. Business and cultural organizations across the planet need compelling visual content for these modern technologies. Combined with new tools such as 3D printing the creative class is helping to revolutionize our world. Here are possible paths your NKU Art & Design education will prepare you for...



Art Consultant

Artread more
