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Help a Norse

Help a Norse is your one-stop, simplified approach to referring an NKU student for supportive outreach.

A student’s physical safety:

  • An incident/accident requiring medical attention
  • Thoughts about hurting/engaging in violent behavior toward other people
First, contact the University Police at: 
(859) 572-7777 or 911

A student’s psychological safety/mental health:

  • Thoughts about ending their own life/suicide
  • Engaged in self-harming behavior that may have endangered their safety
First, contact the On-Call NKU Counselor at (859) 572-7777.  The National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline can also be reached by dialing 988.

Next, please submit a brief report to help us support the student after emergency services are activated:

Submit a report

Estimated NKU response time:

A student’s academic or financial issues:

  • Attendance issues
  • Missing assignments
  • Difficulty paying account balance
  • Other financial challenges

Submit a report

Once in Navigate, click on the “Issue an Alert” link within the Actions box.

Estimated NKU response time:
Within 1-2 business days of report being submitted

For more information about the alert process, please visit this link

Contact UCAP at (859) 572-7527 or

A student’s personal situation:

  • Title IX / Sexual misconduct
  • Increased signs of distress/social isolation
  • Increase in conflict with others through escalated speech, actions, or mannerisms
  • Reports social, family, or household challenges
Submit a Report

Please select the appropriate report:

Submit a Title IX Report
  • Student-disclosed experience with sexual assault
  • Student-disclosed experience with domestic violence
  • Student-disclosed experience with dating violence
  • Student-disclosed experience with stalking
Submit a Personal Situation Report
  • Increased signs of distress/social isolation
  • Increase in conflict with others through escalated speech, actions, or mannerisms
  • Reports social, family, or household challenges




Estimated NKU response time:
Within 1-2 business days of report being submitted