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Course Catalog


Illustration of workers and ideasABOUT THIS COURSE

An entrepreneur is someone who is always on the lookout for problems that can be turned into opportunities and finds creative ways to leverage limited resources to reach their goals. In this course, learners will be introduced to the fundamental concepts, theories, and frameworks of entrepreneurship and learn how to apply them within the context of the world's largest market: China. Through cases, articles, and experiential learning, learners will gain expertise in how to identify and evaluate opportunities; interpret, analyze, and build financial models to enable high-growth ventures; practice living life as an entrepreneurial leader; and create a new product or service for the Chinese market.

Difficulty Level: BEGINNER

Estimated Learning Time:  14 hours




Course Instructor PhotoProf. Dominic Chan
Associate Director, EMBA Program, Associate Professor of Practice in Entrepreneurship, Project Director, Centre for Entrepreneurship
Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Fee: $59.00

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