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Transformational Leadership for Inclusive Innovation   

a graphic with the words Gender AnalyticsABOUT THIS COURSE

Gender Analytics underpins inclusive innovation, and inclusive innovation will require organizational transformation. The missing link between insights and actions is change leadership. How can you get people to collaborate? How can you overcome resistance to change? How can you embed intersectional, gender-based insights in everything an organization does?

In this course, you will learn to be an inspiring and effective change agent by developing a toolbox of leadership skills for building and managing diverse teams. You will hear from experts who have led Gender Analytics in various settings from companies, to non-profits, to the government. In short, this course will help you develop skills to be a transformational leader as you work towards creating inclusive products, services, processes and policies.

This is the fourth course of the Gender Analytics Specialization offered by the Institute for Gender and the Economy (GATE) at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management. It is great on its own, and you will get even more out of it if you take it as part of the Specialization.

Difficulty Level: BEGINNER

Estimated Learning Time:  8 hours


Human Resources

Leadership and Management

Change Management

Leadership Development

Organizational Development

Conflict Management




Problem Solving

Strategy and Operations


Course Instructor PhotoSarah Kaplan
Distinguished Professor & Director, Institute for Gender and the Economy (GATE)
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

Course Instructor PhotoJia-Lin Xie
Magna Professor of Management; Professor of Organizational Behaviour & HR Management
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

Course Instructor PhotoNouman Ashraf
Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management; Director of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

  • Transformational Leadership for Inclusive Innovation
  • Fee: $59.00

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