YSO Audition Excerpts (optional)
REGISTER HERE (pending audition results)
Rehearsals: Tuesdays, 6:30-8 p.m.
First rehearsal of the spring semester is Tuesday, January 14, 2025.
(Please note: there is a YSO retreat day on Saturday, January 11, 2025! See calendar.)
Location: NKU School of the Arts, FA 126
2024–2025 Tuition: $350 for the academic year ($200 for spring semester only)
Prerequisites: Audition and acceptance required. Grades 7–12, suggested 4+ years playing experience, yearly entrance and placement audition is required and seating auditions are done each semester. As a reference point, a level of playing equivalent to Suzuki Book III or beyond is recommended for string players. Winds, brass, and percussion: at least 2 years playing in a daily band program.
Questions? Email Mr. Moore at moorea89@nku.edu
The NKU Youth Symphony Orchestra is an exciting and fun-filled orchestra experience for high school students who excel in string, wind, brass, percussion and piano studies, exposing them to orchestral literature and ensemble playing in a challenging and nurturing environment. NKU YSO meets weekly on the campus of Northern Kentucky University in the School of the Arts building. NKU YSO is under the leadership and direction of Mr. Alex Moore, an expert orchestral conductor and music educator. NKU YSO is part of the award winning NKU Music Preparatory Program and is designed to prepare students for a future in music!
The NKU Youth Symphony Orchestra offers fall and spring in-person, priority auditions. The fall audition is for all instruments and serve as the only entrance audition for the full season. The spring audition is only for new students, and especially those who have marching band conflicts on Tuesday evenings during the fall semester and cannot participate until spring. If your marching season ends early and you wish to audition before the fall semester ends, please contact Mr. Moore directly.
Video Submission Auditions: If you are interested in joining, but are unable to attend the in-person audtion, you may submit a video audition for non-priority seating. See details below.
Saturday, August 24, 2024 (ended)
Tuesday, August 27, 2024 (ended)
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Video Audition Submission Standards and Instructions:
(See Video Audition Requirements on the left side bar):
Suggested Video Guidelines:
Alexander Moore is Director of Orchestras at Oak Hills High School where he teaches string orchestra, full orchestra, and piano classes. He holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Wright State University and a Master of Music degree in Orchestral Conducting and Violin Pedagogy from Butler University. Alex has previously served as Director of Orchestras at Evansville Central High School, Assistant Conductor of the Indianapolis Youth Orchestra, and Assistant Director of the Yellow Springs Summer Music Camp prior to moving to Cincinnati. Aside from teaching and conducting, he is an active performer on piano and a violinist in the Mason Symphony Orchestra. His principal teachers and mentors include Shelley Jagow, Jackson Leung, Tom Sobieski, Samuel Barton Rotberg, Richard Auldon Clark, and Shirley Mullins. Aside from musical activities, Alex loves hiking and spending time with his corgi, Winston.
Attendance is mandatory for all rehearsals and performances. Our attendance policies are strict to ensure the highest quality learning experience and performance. Please evaluate your schedule to be sure that you are able to meet the commitment to our ensemble that we expect. No more than three absences per year are allowed. Students can use these in any way they like, ie. sickness, school concerts or vacations. After three absences, the student may be dismissed.
Notification in advance of any absence or tardiness is expected, and should be made by submitting the online absence request form. This form can be found under resources on the website homepage. If the absence is an emergency you may email Mr. Moore. Two (2) late arrivals are equivalent to one (1) absence. Attendance at a dress rehearsal is required for participation in a concert. It is at the discretion of the ensemble director to allow or not allow a student to participate in a concert based on rehearsal attendance and/or preparation.
Ensemble students are required to participate in all concerts. Absences from a performance must be approved ahead of time by the ensemble director and Music Preparatory administration, unless the absence is due to sudden illness. Missing a performance is very serious, and doing so is grounds for probation or immediate dismissal from the program.