
bird we saw on the canoe trip
Owls we saw on the canoe trip

basilisk we saw while canoeing
A basilisk we saw on the canoe trip

Matt, Dr. Dahlem, and guide in a canoe everyone canoeing canoeing down the river

Matt, Dr. Dahlem, and the guide in a canoe                                   Everyone canoeing                                 Canoeing down the river

Katie and Jeff in the canoe
Brittany and Sarah
canoeing down the river

 Katie and Jeff in the canoe               Brittany and Sarah canoeing down the river                                       One of the canoes                                        

lookout from the canoe to the river
View from the canoe

lookout from the canoe
Another great view of the river

Created By
Diana & Erik
  [March 7th & 8th] [March 7th] [March 8th]